13th Big Country Swap Meet

Abilene, Texas

The finest Swapmeet in West Central Texas!

             Big Country Swap Meet "Rules of the Road"

                                                                                       PLEASE READ THESE RULES COMPLETELY

Each space comes with one entrance sticker for one vehicle. The sticker must be displayed on the dash or windshield of any car, truck, camper, or trailer occupying a space. Vehicles may ONLY be parked in the space on their sticker when inside the swap meet area.  Any vehicle parked inside the area without a sticker will be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.

A trailer parking area is available inside the swap meet area. Trailers my be left in this area when owners present a valid space sticker. Only one trailer is allowed per space. Trailers and their contents are YOUR responsibility. Use appropriate security measures.

Your space(s) will be designated with a numbered marker in each space. Your displays must be kept within the boundaries of your space(s). Vendors must vacate their spaces by 7 PM Saturday. Any parts left unattended after 7 pm Saturday are subject to removal by cleanup crews.

 Vendor Hours of Admittance:

          Friday -7:30AM- 7 PM

Vehicles and Parking

 Parking on streets inside the meet area is permitted for loading and unloading only. Illegally parked vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense. Vehicles or other items left in an unauthorized space will be removed at owner’s expense.

Five (5) mile per hour speed limit will be enforced.. Riding around in the swap meet areas can result in expulsion from the swap meet.

No motorized vehicle of any kind can be driven at any time within the grounds of the swap meet by anyone who does not possess a valid state driver’s license.

Handicapped Access
Approved electric handicap scooters are welcome in the swap meet areas. Electric mobility units (three or four wheeled, freestanding, electric scooters that are authorized by the federal government for access in public buildings) may be used at anytime inside the swap meet by any individuals who need this mode of transportation. This is limited to wheel chairs, 3 or 4-wheel electric scooters and electrical power chairs similar to those shown below. Use of such a vehicle must be limited to the authorized person only, no riders please.

Quiet Hours
To prevent noise during the late night sleeping hours, absolutely no vehicle traffic will be allowed to move within the meet area between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. The gates will be closed to keep traffic from going in or out during these hours and security guards will be on duty.

Generators causing excessive noise and fumes are prohibited. From 7:00 AM to 10:00PM Generators must not exceed 70 dBA. After 10:00 PM generators must not exceed 45 dBA. Loud generator complaints should be reported to Headquarters during the day and the security officer after 7 PM.

Staking of Tents or Canopies
No stakes shall be driven into the asphalt or concrete surfaces anywhere on Big Country Raceway grounds. Weights should be used to anchor tents or awnings on black top or concrete. Violators will be fined or removed from the grounds.

All pets must be kept on a leash no longer than six (6) feet at all times. Owners are responsible for cleaning up after pets.

Food and Beverage Sales
No food or beverages may be sold in the swap meet area except authorized by the Big Country Swap Meet

Free Parts Hauling Service
A parts hauling service is available for items purchased inside swap meet that are too heavy to carry. Parts will be delivered free to any gate from 8:00AM to 6:00PM TFriday through Saturday. Contact any marked hauler for this service.

Camping on Big Country Raceway property
No open fires permitted on the grounds at any time. No glass containers. Trailers are required to place a 1’ x 1’  x ¾” plywood plate under landing gear to protect the parking lot.

Lost Persons
Lost persons should report to one of the information centers for assistance.

Acceptance of a space constitutes your agreement to abide by our rules. The Big Country Swap Meet will not be responsible for damages, injuries or accidents during the swap meet. Big Country Swap Meet officials reserve the right to reject and/or eject any person or firm they deem as undesirable for any reason. The directors/officials actions and decisions are final.